This is Mentong. His family lived in a small cave
thousands of years ago. His father hunted wild
animals for food. He used stones, arrows, and
knives to kill the animals. The animals were
big and fierce.
The women and the children gathered
some fruits in the forest. They ate some of
these food raw. Sometimes they roasted them.
This is kamil. He lived hundreds of years ago.
His family in a house made of wood and bamboo.
Kamil's familyused tools made of iron.
They used plates, jars, and pots made of day.
Some of them were boat makers.
thousands of years ago. His father hunted wild
animals for food. He used stones, arrows, and
knives to kill the animals. The animals were
big and fierce.
The women and the children gathered
some fruits in the forest. They ate some of
these food raw. Sometimes they roasted them.
This is kamil. He lived hundreds of years ago.
His family in a house made of wood and bamboo.
Kamil's familyused tools made of iron.
They used plates, jars, and pots made of day.
Some of them were boat makers.